Selected Bibliography



In Russian:

Polnoe sobranie stikhotvorenii. Ed. B. Ia. Bukhshtab. Leningrad: Sovetskii pisatel’ (Biblioteka poeta, Bol’shaia seriia), 1936.

Polnoe sobranie stikhotvorenii. Ed. B. Ia. Bukhshtab. Second edition, Leningrad: Sovietskii pisatel’ (Biblioteka poeta, Bol’shaia seriia), 1959.

Stikhotvoreniia. Ed. B. Ia. Bukhshtab. Leningrad, 1956.

«O stikhotvoreniiakh F. Tiutcheva,» Russkoe slovo, No. 2 (1859), section «Kritika,» pp. 63—84.

Russkie pisateli o literature (XVII-XX vv.). Leningrad, 1939, I, 432-55.

Moi vospominaniia (1848-1889). 2 vols. Moscow, 1890.

Rannie gody moei zhizni. Moscow, 1893.

In English:

Bowring, J. et al. A Second Book of Russian Verse. London: Macmillan, 1948.

Coxwell, Charles. Russian Poems. London: Macmillan, 1929.

Eastman, Max et al. A Treasury of Russian Verse. New York: Macmillan, 1949.

Wiener, Leo. Anthology of Russian Literature. New York: Putnam, 1903, vol. II.


Note: Annotations for secondary sources were supplied by the editor.

Bal’mont, K. D. Gornye vershiny. Moscow: Grif, 1904, I, 63-71, 89-92. A comparison of Pushkin and Lermontov, who live within time, with Tyutchev and Fet, who live within eternity; followed by a contrast between Tyutchev and Fet.

Blok, G. Rozhdenie poeta: Povest’ o molodosti Feta. Leningrad: Vremia, 1924. A biographical novel about Fet’s youth.

Botkin, V. P. «Stikhotvoreniia A. A. Feta.» Sochineniia. St. Petersburg: Panteon literatury, 1891, II, 352-94. First part of the article is a general statement on esthetics by Botkin; the second part is an essay on Fet, whom the critic terms «primarily a nature poet.» The article first appeared in 1857.

Bukhshtab, B. Ia. «A. A. Fet,» in Fet, Polnoe sobranie stikhotvorenii. Leningrad: Sovetskii pisatel’, 1959, pp. 5-78. An inclusive, incisive, and intelligent treatment of the corpus of Fet’s poetry.

«Sud’ba literaturnogo nasledstva A. A. Feta,» Literaturnoe nasledstvo, Moscow, 1935, vol. XXII-XXIV, 561-602. Provides an overview of Fet’s writings in poetry and prose as a preparatory step to possible publication at some future point.

«Esteticheskie vzgliady Feta,» Literaturnaia ucheba, No. 12 (1936), pp. 35-51. An excellent summary of Fet’s views on the nature of art based in large part upon his explicit writings on esthetic subjects.

Darskii, D. ‘Radost’ zemli.’ Issledovanie liriki Feta. Moscow: F. Nekrasov, 1916. An impressionistic book-length study of Fet’s lyric poetry.

Eikhenbaum, B. M. Melodika russkogo liricheskogo stikha. Petersburg: Obshchestvo izucheniia poeticheskogo iazyka, 1922, pp. 119-95. By far the longest chapter in this book by a leading Russian formalist critic is given over to a detailed analysis of the technical devices utilized by Fet in his verse. Reprinted in Eikhenbaum, O poezii. Leningrad: Sovetskii pisatel’, 1969.

Grigor’ev, A. A. «Russkaia iziashchnaia literatura v 1852 godu,» in Grigor’ev, Literaturnaia kritika, Moscow: Khudozhestvennaia literatura, 1967, pp. 41-111. Includes a sensitive early appreciation of Fet’s poetry by one of Russia’s best critical minds.

Gromov, P. P. «A. A. Fet,» in Fet, Stikhotvoreniia, third edition, Moscow-Leningrad: Sovetskii pisatel’, 1963, pp. 5-88. A general introduction to Fet’s poetry and the critical response to his work.

Blok, ego predshestvenniki i sovremenniki. Leningrad: Sovetskii pisatel’, 1966, pp. 18-31. A detailed discussion of the interrelationships between Fet’s poetry and that of the young Alexander Blok, who considered Fet his poetic mentor.

Iampol’skii, I. G. «Poeziia shestidesiatykh godov (obshchii obzor),» in Istoriia russkoi literatury. Moscow-Leningrad: Akademiia nauk SSSR, 1956, vol. VIII, pt. 2, 7-55. An overview of Russian poetry of the 1860’s by a senior specialist in the period which helps to place Fet in the history of Russian poetry.

Lotman, L. M. «Liricheskaia i istoricheskaia poeziia 50—70-kh godov,» in Istoriia russkoi poezii, Leningrad: Nauka, 1969, II, 124-90. A general essay on the poetry of Fet, Apollon Maykov, Yakov Polonsky, Aleksey Tolstoy, Karolina Pavlova, and Lev Mey in the context of their times.

Nekrasov, N. A. «Russkie vtorostepennye poety,» in Nekrasov, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii i pisem, Moscow: Goslitizdat, 1950, vol. IX. A historic article by a great Russian poet in which Fet is mentioned, although the article is devoted mostly to Tyutchev.

Nikol’skii, B. V. «Osnovnye elementy liriki Feta,» in Fet, Polnoe sobranie stikhotvorenii. St. Petersburg: A. F. Marks, 1912, I, 24-54. A detailed discussion of Fet’s lyrics with special attention to their philosophical implications.

Polonskii, Ia. «Moi studencheskie vospominaniia.» Ezhemesiachnye literaturnye prilozheniia k Nive, No. 12 (December 1898). Rather chatty memoirs of the 1840’s by a poet who had known Fet, Grigorev and many others as young men.

Saltykov-Shchedrin, M. E. «Stikhotvoreniia A. A. Feta,» in Shchedrin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, Moscow-Leningrad: Gosudar-stvennoe izdatel’stvo khudozhestvennoi literatury, 1937, V, 330-33. A sarcastic review of Fet’s 1863 collection by a radical critic who rejects Fet’s world as « rather narrow, monotonous, and limited.»

«Nasha obshchestvennaia zhizn’,» in Shchedrin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, Moscow-Leningrad, 1941, VI, 84-100. A satirical treatment of a political article by Fet, published in early 1863, in which Fet writes of economic conditions in the rural area where he lives.

Solov’ev, V. S. «O liricheskoi poezii. Po povodu poslednikh stikhotvorenii Feta i Polonskogo,» in Solov’ev, Sobranie sochinenii, St. Petersburg: Obshchestvennaia pol’za, 1901, VI, 215-40. First published in 1890, the article attempts the ambitious task of defining the distinguishing characteristics of lyric poetry—as set apart from other types of poetry—on the basis of Fet’s and Polonsky’s most recent works.

Strakhov, N. N. «A. A. Fet. Biograficheskii ocherk,» in Fet, Polnoe sobranie stikhotvorenii. St. Petersburg: A. F. Marks, 1912, I, 3-10. A quick survey of the chronology of Fet’s life. Includes dates for the writing and publication of some of his works.

Zhirmunskii, V. Kompozitsiia liricheskikh stikhotvorenii. Petrograd: Obshchestvo izucheniia poeticheskogo iazyka, 1921. A fundamental work in the formal analysis of poetic language, utilizing many examples taken from the poems of Fet as well as of other major Russian poets.

Gustafson, R. F. The Imagination of Spring: The Poetry of Afanasy Fet. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1966. The only book on Fet in English and a principal contribution to scholarship on Fet. Close reading of Fet’s poetry, elucidation of numerous literary influences and parallels.